The protein hydrolysate-based plaster retardants produced by SICIT are an advanced solution for managing and optimising plaster processing time.

These specific additives are integrated into the plaster mixture to delay the setting time, giving operators more time to process the material. This results in easier application, shaping and all the work required before the plaster becomes solid..

The crystallisation process of the plaster is influenced by the action of the protein hydrolysate: the protein molecules interact with the crystal growth areas, slowing down crystal formation and consequently extending the setting time from 60 to 180 minutes.

SICIT excels in the production of plaster retardants, using protein hydrolysate derived from animal by-products (ABP) from the tanning industry. This choice not only demonstrates the company's commitment to sustainable solutions, but also guarantees the high effectiveness of its products.

Foto Sicit

Advantages of protein hydrolysate-based
plaster retardants

Using protein hydrolysate-based plaster retardants offers a number of benefits, which are reflected both in the processing and in the optimisation of the resources used.
These benefits, which are highly valued by industry professionals, include:

  • Sustainability: as they are derived from proteins, protein hydrolysates are considered natural and biodegradable additives, helping to reduce environmental impact.

  • Compatibility: SICIT retardants are formulated to interact with different types of plaster and other additives, while maintaining the final properties of the product once solidified unaltered.

  • High performance: the use of retardants encourages mixture homogeneity, as well as giving the surface of the plaster greater resistance.

  • Water savings: the use of these additives increases the fluidity of the mixture, saving up to 10% water in the mix.

As a result of the quality and effectiveness of its retardants, SICIT is the world leader in this sector, supplying its products to the major multinationals operating in the global market of the plaster industry for construction.

Available formulations

SICIT's production of protein hydrolysate-based plaster retardants stands out for its versatility, offering formulations suited to the diverse needs of the construction industry. These formulations are available in two main consistencies: liquid and powder.

Ideal for the plasterboard industry, the liquid formulation integrates perfectly into the production process, ensuring even application and a controlled reaction with the plaster.

Designed for the plaster and mortar industry, the powder formulation is suitable for all applications, ensuring even distribution and effective delayed action during mixing.

Construction sector

Modern construction requires innovative solutions to meet the challenges of high quality building. Protein hydrolysate-based plaster retardants are one of these solutions, ensuring optimal workability of the plaster itself.
Explore the potential of these products in the construction industry with us.

More information and documentation

Prodotti in polvere indicati per le applicazioni dell’industria del plaster
Prodotti liquidi indicati per la produzione di plasterboard

For further details on our plaster retardants and to discuss your specific needs

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